Mars in one month: The GEM theory of energy and momentum exchange with spacetime and forces observed in the eaglework Q-V thruster

Original Article

John E.Brandenburg


The experimental forces observed in the Eagleworks Q-V thruster indicate that it may be possible to generate propulsive forces by the application of RF power into suitable shaped cavities. This approach to assess these forces uses the GEM theory where it is assumed the Poynting Vectors of the applied RF power acts upon a background Poynting Flux against the gravity field of the Earth. This analysis implies that the observed forceis an effect upon the gravity (g) field of the Earth. This is similar to the exchange of momentum between EM fields and curved spacetime in the vacuum that occurs when starlight is bent by the gravity field of the Sun in General Relativity. This hypothetical premise assumes that quantum gravity is part of the space-time manifold which is constantly fluctuating, a quantum ZPF (Zero Point Fluctuation) and that what we perceive “space-time” is merely as smooth and steady of an average of these oscillations. The GEM theory predicts that we can change the steady state Poynting fields associated with Gravity via a GEM- derived “Vacuum Bernoulli Equation” similar to the Bernoulli Equation of aerodynamics. This preliminary analysis provides the basic equations and assumptions of the GEM theory of the Q-V thruster laid out with a simple calculation to explain the forces and their scaling with applied power. Approximate agreement as to the magnitude and scaling of the observed forces seen with force predicts a power ratio of ~0.2mN/W seen in low-power experiments. Recent new results from the GEM theory are also briefly summarized. An approximate calculation using the 0.1N/kW thrust to power ratio observed in high-power Q-V thruster experiments is performed and shows an approximate 1 month one-way trip time to Mars from Earth for a 30 metric ton spacecraft with 1 MW Solar power array.

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