Management and recovering reforms of health Albanian system are the important part of Albania government

Dr. Alba Dumi, Ma Juliana Xhin


This article presents a summary of the current status, of health Albanian system. The developing health care system of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuous medical education in Albania and suggests opportunities for development and partnerships that would help the country's medical education reform. Albania is a small south-eastern European country still recovering from almost half a century of a fierce communist regime. While major reform and support have focused on healthcare and higher education (HE) in the past decade, there have not been major attempts to improve medical education. The time is now ready for medical education improvements created by increasing internal and external pressures as Albania aims to align its HE with the European Union standards and adapts the Bologna system. One of the main concerns of health insurance scheme in Albania has continuously been the care for patients suffering from cancer disease. Some cancer patients in the terminal stages don’t react to curative treatment with drugs, so they need not only medical care, but also staying close to them because of psychosocial and economic problems that may arise. This form of health care which is called differently a palliative care aims to reduce suffering and improve quality of life of patients in these stages when they have lost hope for life.HII has currently made contracts with health institutions that provide this kind of care for patients with cancer in the terminal stages, such as SOB - known with the name oncology hospital at home, which operates in Tirana, as well as non public Ryder Center, which is a structure set up in Tirana, Durres.

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