Let’s Boost Energy Saving on Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s Way: An Empirical Study

Tejveer Singh Anand and Satind


Hon’ble Prime minster Shri Narendra Modi’s first energy campaign with the gift of LED bulbs to Delhi leads to think that every citizen of India should start energy conservation from their home itself. In line with the thought, an empirical study has been conducted from the houses of urban localities of Ahmedabad jurisdiction to analyze the lighting load and to motivate them for energy saving through reduction in lighting load without hampering any individual needs. Primary data through questionnaire were collected to analyze the exact lighting load and awareness towards energy saving. Study reveals that most of houses are not equipped with energy efficient lighting in-spite being concern over saving of energy just by flipping on-off of lighting as per their personal requirements. Motivation with technical inputs is the need of the day to involve everyone towards the goal.

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