Lead Residues in Milk and Blood of Cows at Selected Localities of Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India

Sujatha*, Srilatha CH, Chan


The present study was planning to evaluate the concentrations of lead in blood and milk of crossbred cows reared in five different industrial areas in chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. A total of 100 milk and 100 blood samples were collected from crossbred milk cows randomly in and around five factories, which were present in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India such as Batteries factory at Karakambadi, Nutrine factory and Sugar factory at chittoor and Lamco (Iron pipes) factory at Erpedu and Sugar factory at Puttur. The samples such as blood and milk were subjected for acid digestion method [1], then these samples were used for lead residual estimation by following method of Perkin-Elmer 3100 (USA) double beam atomic absorption spectrophotometer-meter with hallow cathode lamp of lead. The highest lead concentration was found in the blood of cows reared in and around Karakambadi area (1.5 mg/L) then followed by cows of Erpedu (1.2 mg/L), Chittoor (Nutrine factory) (1 mg/L), Puttur (1.0 mg/L) and Chittoor (Sugar factory) (0.9 mg/L). Significant correlation was noticed between high levels of increased blood lead and milk lead levels in cows that were at near in different factories. There was significant increase in blood lead concentration simultaneously increase in milk lead concentration. The increase blood lead in relation with increase milk lead might be due to the excretion of lead through milk increases with increase in blood lead level.

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