Isolation and purification of superoxide dismutase from haloarcheal strain

Research Article

Murugan S*, Asha K. R. T and P


In this study, Haloarcheal strain RHA was isolated from water samples collected from salt pan. The strain was further treated with 2% pyrogallol and incubated in a water bath with shaker for 12 days. Supernatant was collected from early log phase and was used as enzyme source. The results showed that the optimum pH of SOD in crude extract was found to be at 9.0 and optimum temperature was found to be at 67 °C. In case of purified sample the activity of SOD was found to be increased at pH 9.8 and optimum temperature was noticed at 77ºC. Activity of enzyme was increased in increasing concentration of enzyme source. The enzyme has great affinity for the substrate and it was calculated as 0.25mM by Michaelis menton plot. The activity of Superoxide dismutase from purified sample was also assayed in the presence of metal ions and the results obtained indicated that the activity was found to be increased significantly from 85.5 mM/mL and the activity was stable and constant up to 171 mM/mL of NaCl and at 0.024mM/mL of MgSO4 and 0.03mM/mL of MnSO4. The activity was found to be decreased when the concentration of ZnSO4 was increased. The enzyme was purified and the SDS-PAGE report showed that that the molecular weight of Superoxide dismutase was found to be 21.4 KD using 14% gel.

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