Invitro anthelmintic activity of leaves extracts of Caesalpinia bonducella(L)

Research Article

J. Karthi, M. Thamizhmozhi, C.


The plant caesalpinia bonducella (L) commonly known as Kalarchi belongs to the family caesalpiniaceae found everywhere in the county. Almost all parts of this plant are being used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases. Methanol, Ethanol, Hexane and Aqueous extracts from leaves of C.bonducella were investigated for their anthelmintic activity against Perionyx excavates and Amplostoma caninum. Three concentrations (0.1%, 0.2% and 0.5%) of each extracts were studied in activity. When compared to all four extract hexane extractive show significant death time and paralysis time. The cause of paralysis followed by death of the worm at all tested dose except at a low level. Potency of the extract was inversely proportional to the taken for paralysis or death of the worms.

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