Sanchita Raghav
Invigorating Organisational Culture and Health Care Management: Public health is the well-being of people. Its supervision is controlled by the state. Normalising practices include building organisational culture that stimulates creativity and innovation. Health care quality system comprises of quality standards definition, parallel delivery of health care and these standards regulate to reinforce eminent standards of health care. Organisational culture directly affects during the analogous of health care and standards. Health care work environment stipulates corroboration, information disclosure and learning latitudes commend employment attitude and ethics, employee productivity and organisational adeptness. Creativity, innovation and health care culture’s boundary – physical, social, psychological and work latitudes should be semi permeable, satisfactorily confined in order to focus the energy of health care sector for achieving its mission, but satisfactorily liberal so that there is a robust exchange of ideas with its environment, thereby maintaining the efficient resonance and synergy between the two.