Investigation into the studies on anti-histaminic and bronchodilator activity of polyherbal compound (Siringiyathi Chooranam) in albino rats

Amutha K.*, Selvakumari U. and


The present study is aimed to evaluate the efficacy of anti-histaminic and bronchodilater activity of polyherbal compound (siringiyathi chooranam) through invitro and invivo in albino rats. Seven different medicinal plant materials such as Rhus succedanea, Zingiber officinale, Cyperus rotundus, Kaempferia galanga, Piper longum, Saussurea lappa, Piper nigrum were used to prepare the polyherbal compound. The results revealed that the test drug siringiyathi chooranam was found to be more effective in antagonism against histamine at 100μg/ml when compared with the standard antagonistic drug Ranitidine. From the present findings, it is manifest that the siringiyathi chooranam had shown marked antihistaminic activity in isolated albino rat ileum, and also it has significant activity in albino rat against histamine induced bronchospasm. The albino rat exposed to histamine aerosol showed signs of progressive dyspnoea leading to convulsions. The two doses of Siringiyathi chooranam significantly increase in preconvoulsion time (PCT) as compared to control following the exposure of histamine aerosol. The investigation suggest that the sidha drug polyherbal compound (siringiyathi chooranam) possess significant antihistaminic and bronchodilator activity in invitro and invivo in albino rats.

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