Introducing a contemporary Art that combines different civilizations (Saudi heritage: the Asiri Art engraving and Japanese writing)

Tebra Jameel Khseifan


Each region in the world has its own arts which distinguish it from other civilizations, due to a number of different factors, including historical, geographical, environmental and cultural factors, all these factors contributed to the formation of the arts of each region and distinguished it from others. As a result of the development in the world, modern technology has contributed to the transfer of the arts of peoples among the countries of the world not only the arts but the integration of the world and the exchange of some customs and social dietry and cultural skills. The problem of the study is clear in that the world has become a small village due to the diversity of the means of communication and pluralism, we find that the peoples have been divided into two categories, one category reject to accept the other or take from him and consider him as an enemy must be fought, and the other category was opened in an unconfirmed way and it rejects everything is related to the community to which it belongs , and considered the introduction of heritage is ignorance and backwardness and went to the extent of dazzling all that exists in other civilizations without identifying the negative or positive of what will be taken from them. The most important objectives of the study: Finding innovative ways of technical dialogue among peoples, the integration of diverse civilizations as a kind of acceptance of the other and technical coexistence without fading and fusion, emphasis on the social and cultural role of art, reviving the Saudi heritage in a contemporary way to enhance the Saudi identity, emphasize the role of art in peoples' intellectual convergence and the sense of human unity. A practical experience has been applied combining the (Saudi heritage: the Asiri art engraving and the Japanese writing), the study sample consisted of (17) female students from the Department of Painting and Arts. The results of the study were as follows: - 90% of the Arbitrators committee - the number of 20 arbitrators in the field of arts - agree that contemporary art combining civilizations (Saudi heritage and Japanese writing) could be introduced,in addition, 100% of the students in the research sample agreed on the possibility of benefiting from the Saudi heritage and coming out of a contemporary art work that combines different civilizations. Finally, after presenting the results of the professional experience to a group of arbitrators in the arts and female students in the arts department, the percentage: 98% agree that the role of art in the convergence of peoples intellectually and the sense of human unity and through the mating of arts and the most important recommendations of the study were: to disseminate the experience on the local and international universities to spread the concept of dialogue among peoples through art, this is a language understood by everyone and senses by all; to conduct other experiments where more than one civilization is integrated into one art work; the establishment of local and international art museums that include this kind of art that combines civilizations to contribute to the diffusion of civilizations of different nations and helps in artistic dialogue between peoples; the publication of the new artistic trend (the art of civilizations +), which is indicative of adding more of its civilization to the artistic work as well as its significance to the positive (+) in the integration of civilizations in a scientifically codified, positive convergence of peoples through artistic dialogue, which concludes the compatibility and integration of human beings; communicate with the tourism and heritage authority to take care of the technical outputs and intellectual property protection of each product and marketing it as a contemporary tourist product.

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