Innovative means for regulating global warming through indigenous veterinary system: Are we missing sustainable solutions?

Ravikumar R. K.*, Amol S. Kinh


Global warming has been a cause of concern as steadily the environmental temperature of the planet earth has been on surge. This had resulted in severe damage to several ecological systems and ramifications were yet to unfold. These changes were result of several developmental activities, including exploitation and destruction of natural resources. Research community and concerned stakeholders of the society are trying various options throughout the world in minimizing this impact and to protect the planet. Of the several attempted options, livestock particularly ruminants were identified as a factor in heaping methane production. The production of this gas is an inherent part of ruminant digestive system by utilizing natural resources thereby enabling food security globally. The vast human population in the world have to depend on livestock for sustaining their livelihood. Hence, alternative approaches were tried such as changing feeding pattern to curtail greenhouse gas emission from livestock. Adequate resources in terms of quality manpower, financial support were afforded to find sustainable solution(s)in intensive dairy production system. In most of these efforts, the balancing act of natural resources, more specifically role of indigenous knowledge systems were not exhaustively studied. In majority of incidences these veterinary knowledge system sustained by community were viewed in terms of prevention and treatment of livestock ailments and not beyond. This research study had attempted to understand the effect of common knowledge of these environment friendly solutions in minimizing production of methane. The implications of these findings will enhance wider scope of indigenous veterinary system beyond welfare, productivity of ruminant ecological systems. This knowledge practiced by farming community acts as an innovative means to control greenhouse gas for extensive dairy production system.

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