India Seemingly Scores Better Than Other Countries in Containment of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anita Garg Mangla and Neeru Dh


The world is currently facing a coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 (formerly known as SARS-CoV-2). It was declared as a pandemic by WHO on 11th March’2020 (1). Coronaviruses (CoV) are named so because of the 20 nm spikes on the envelope that resembles the corona of the sun when viewed under electron microscope. As of 21st June‘2020 it has spread to 215 countries with more than 8.92 million positive cases globally. Worst top 5 affected nations include USA, Brazil, Russia, India and UK. The number of positive coronavirus cases is increasing day by day globally. This virus like other respiratory viruses is considered to spread mainly via respiratory secretions or droplets. A study has shown that virus can remain viable up to several hours on various surfaces such as up to 4 hours on copper, 24 hours on cardboard, 48 hours on stainless steel and 72 hours on plastic. Thus they can be spread by direct contact with infected persons or by coming in contact with surfaces that have been touched by an infected person (indirect contact). The virus is also spread by asymptomatic individuals. Even if they are not sneezing or coughing, they may expel viral particles during normal talking, breathing or touching various surfaces. A study conducted in China showed that five family members became symptomatic after coming in contact with an asymptomatic member.

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