Identification Camel endo parasites in Floatation and Sedimentation Techniques in Hargeisa, Somaliland

Hamze Suleiman H. nour


The camels are mostly raised in Africa and Asia. As the livestock population distributed estimated two third found in Africa and Asia. Few camalia found in Australia and north America. Camels called desert ships due there living in harsh conditions and their tolerance in heat, hungry. Camels provide valuable things such as meat, milk and transportation and have significant income in many livelihoods.Camels can be raised in areas arid, semi-arid, and desert area of both in Africa. The gastrointestinal parasite is the world challenge of production and economy crisis. The gastrointestinal parasite also causes mortality and high morbidity. The gastrointestinal parasites can be classified trematode, cestode and nematodes. Somaliland is one largest camel population in east Africa and is most countries that export camels and other livestock in some Asian countries particularly in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman. The camels have unique characteristics was different from other livestock. The methods used of this parasite to examine the parasitological examination such as floatation and sedimentation methods they were positive for Coccidiosis, Toxocariasis and Schistosomiasis, the temperature of the Camels assessed was found 37Co in less than one minute.

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