Short Communication
Barry E DiGregorio
While the vast majority of the concentration for the quest for life on Mars has stayed microbial in setting, minimal genuine thought has been given to the possibility that Mars may have had conditions reasonable for life before the Earth and that life on Mars may have developed to the multicellular level in its removed past. In spite of the fact that not planned as an actual existence location strategic, Curiosity wanderer has a set-up of cameras and instruments that might uncover the nearness of macrofossils. On sol 1922 of Curiosity???s strategic Gale Crater, its infinitesimal imager (MAHLI) camera returned pictures to Earth of perplexing dull conditioned highlights on a stone called Haroldswick situated close to the top edge of Vera Rubin Ridge, when the site of an antiquated freshwater lake in Gale Crater. The host shakes on Vera Rubin Ridge where these highlights were seen shows up as a progression of the Murray development that the Curiosity wanderer has been passing through for 300 vertical meters in the course of the most recent two years and 9 kilometers . It has a creation of SiO2 around 50, absolute iron (FeOtot) around 19 wt. %, Al2O3 around 11 wt. %, MgO around 5 wt %, low Ca, and tolerably high salts (a few wt. % each for Na2O and K2O). Haroldswick and its unconventional extended cylinder like highlights are the first of their sort saw on Mars. The Curiosity meanderer group alludes to the dull highlights as sticks or precious stones. Be that as it may, morphologically they have a few qualities taking after earthbound fossil footprint tunnels. The meanderer group battles the shapes are normal for gypsum gems that structure when salts become packed in water, for example, in a dissipating lake. Tragically, as indicated by the wanderer group none of the instruments locally available interest including Chemcam and the APXS had the option to get any usable information on these highlights before choosing to move the meanderer to its next objective site meters away.