Hemifacial Hyperplasia: Two Extremes of Age Presentation

Short Communication

Madhumita Srivastava


Congenital ihemi ihyperplasia iis ia irare icongenital idevelopmental idisorder icharacterized iby iasymmetrical iovergrowth iof ioneiorimoreibody iparts i.Describediinitially iby iMeckel iin i1822 iand ilater ireported iby iWagner, iet ial. iIn i1962 iRowe iclassified ihemi ihypertrophy iinto icomplex ihemi ihypertrophy iwhich iinvolved ientire ihalf iof ithe ibody, isimple ihemi ihypertrophyiaffectingioneioribothilimbs, iand ihemifacial ihypertrophy iwhich iinvolved ihalf iof face. He iclassified ihemifacial ihypertrophy ifurther iinto itrue ihemifacial ihypertrophy iwhich iexhibits iunilateral ienlargement iof iall itissues, iteeth, ibones, iand isoft itissues, iinferior iborder iof ithe imandible iinferiorly, imidline imedially, iand iear iincluding ithe ipinna ilaterally iand ipartial ihemifacial ihypertrophy. iWere inot iall istructures iare ienlarged ito ithe isame idegree ior ilimited ito ione istructure i.Here iwe ireport itwo icases iof itrue ihemifacial ihyperplasia iwith ithe iaim ito iadd ithe iexistence iof ithis icondition iand iknowledge ion itrue ihemifacial ihyperplasia iand iits idifferentiating icondition, ialong iwith ienhanced iskin ipigmentation. iCASE i1 iA i12 iyears iold iboy ireported ito iouriBokaro igeneral ihospital imaxillofacial iOPD iwith ithe ichief icomplaint iof iswelling ion iright iside iof iface isincei3iyearsi. 9 iPatient iwas iasymptomatic i3 iyears iback iwhen ihe icomplained iof iswelling ion iright iside iof ihis iface. iPatient igives ia ihistory iof ifall ifrom istairs i5 iyears iback iwhile iplaying iwith ihis icousin. iHe iand ihis imother iboth iare iunaware iof iside ifrom iwhich ipatient ifell. iAccording ito ihis imother ihe ihad ionly ismall ilaceration ion iupper ilip, iwith imild ibleeding iwhich istopped iafter isometime. iThere iis ino ihistory iof iunconsciousness, ivomiting ior ibleeding ifrom iany iother iregion. iFigure i1: iShowing ifacial iprofile. iSwelling iincreased ifrom ifront iof iright iear ito, iright icheek iregion iand ithen iinvolvement iof ieye iregion. iIncrease iin iswelling iwas inot iassociated iwith ipain. iPain

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