Heavy metal accumulation in seaweeds and sea grasses along southeast coast of India

S. Sudharsan, P. Seedevi, P. R


Generally, heavy metals enter into the aquatic environment through atmospheric deposition, erosion of geological matrix or due to anthropogenic activities caused by industrial effluents, domestic sewage and mining wastes. The present study analyzed the concentration of seven elements (Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zi and Hg) in eight seaweeds such as Centrocerous clavutum, Sargassum wightii, Colpemenia sinosa, Spyridia hypnoides, Valoniopsis pachynema, Ulva reticulata, Gelidialla acerosa & Turbinaria ornata and two seagrasses such as Syringodium isoetifolium & Cymodocea serrulata collected from three stations along southeast coast of India. Among the seaweeds, S. hypnoides could be effectively capable to uptake the heavy metals in Kanyakumari coast. U. reticulata recorded as less ability to absorb these heavy metals in Ervadi coast, whereas seagrasses S. isoetifolium and C. serrulata in Thondi station moderately absorbed the heavy metals. Since almost all the metals were tested and reported in these seaweeds and seagrasses species.

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