Guidelines for physician-assisted suicide

Raphael Cohen-Almagor


The article presents the Argument from Autonomy and the Respect for Others Argument as pleas for physicianassisted suicide (PAS). The Kantian argument in support of respecting people always as ends rather than means is emphasized together with the principles of concern and care. The author explains who the patients who wish to die are. The importance of comprehensive palliative care is accentuated and objection to euthanasia is expressed, insisting on checks and balances when we wish to come to the patient’s aid. The plea is confined to physician-assisted suicide, where it is the patient who is in control and performs the final act. The plea for PAS is promoted especially for cancer patients, at the end stage of the disease, who express a repeated wish to die with the help of a doctor. Detailed guidelines for physician-assisted suicide are presented, arguing that we need to insist on them as human lives are at stake. Caution is a must to prevent potential abuse.

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