Growth of the Bigeye Scad Selar crumenophthalmus (Teleostei:Carangidae) in Manzanillo Bay,Mexican Central Pacific

Elaine Espino-Barr, Manuel


Growth of the Bigeye Scad Selar crumenophthalmus (Teleostei:Carangidae) in Manzanillo Bay,Mexican Central Pacific Growth studies of fish species are important because they allow the description of the population structure by age groups and the calculation of the parameters of von Bertalanffy used, among other, in the formulation of maximum sustainable yield models and capture predictions. Selar crumenophthalmus is an appreciated species as bait for the marlin and sail fish fishing in the commercial and sport fisheries in Manzanillo. In other countries like the Philippines, it is consumed by the habitants. For this study organisms were collected from November 2012 to October 2013 with different gears. Values of total length (TL, cm), total weight (TW, g) and eviscerated weight (EW, g) were obtained of 230 individuals. Growth parameters were L∞=24.60 cm, k=0.662, t0=-0.247, TW∞=173.3 g, EW∞=154.8 g, and longevity A0.95=4.5 years. Average lengths for each age were: age 1=13.73 cm, age 2 19.04, age 3=21.73 and age 4=23.12. Growth indexes between weight and length were positive allometric b=3.232 with total weight and b=3.227 with eviscerated weight. Our results were compared to those of other authors in other geographic areas in Mexico and the world. S. crumenophthalmus is a fish with a short life cycle whose juveniles should be protected with a correct normativity.

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