Case Reports
Dola Srinivasa Rao, Killi.V. P
There are many reasons for gingival overgrowth. Mostly, proper oral hygiene is sufficient to achieve normal healthy gingiva. In some situations, however, gingival overgrowth is drug-induced or can be a manifestation of orthodontic mechanical stress. Overgrowth impairs oral hygiene maintenance and results in further exacerbation. During orthodontic treatment gingival overgrowth is common scenario due to hindered oral hygiene in this prospective both periodontal and orthodontic aspects need to be considered. In the article a case report with extreme gingival overgrowth was periodontally treated, by removal of all gingival excess using gingivectomy and gingivoplasty. After a 3 month follow-up period, the fixed orthodontic treatment is continued with monthly periodontal check-ups were scheduled to control the gingival inflammation. The collaboration between the periodontist and orthodontist is most important key to successful treatment of hyperplasia in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.