Formulation development and evaluation of aceclofenac sodium gel

Santosh Kitawat, Anamika Saxen


The continue use of aceclofenac through oral route causes ulcerogenic effect, flatulence, indigestion (dyspepsia), vertigo, dizziness, dyspnoea, stomatitis, itching ( pruritis) . When a drug system is applied topically , drug diffuses passively out of its carrier or vehicle. A unique f eature of aceclofenac’s pharmacology is that it sti mulates glycosaminoglycans (GAG) synthesis, which in turns enhances skin permeation of NSAIDs. Aceclofenac whe n presented in the form of topical gel can reduce loc al inflammations. Hence for local inflammation or p ain in the body, the topical application of aceclofenac may be useful which also avoids the side effects associat ed with the oral therapy. Hence, a topical gel containing aceclofena c sodium was prepared. The aim of this study was to formulate topical gel containing carbopol934, glycerin, water , triethylamine, aceclofenac and evaluate the same. The gels were evaluated for physical appearance, rheological behavior, drug release and stability. All gels sho wed acceptable physical properties concerning color, ho mogeneity, consistency, spreadability and pH value. Among all the gel formulations, formulation F3 containing max imum quantity of carbopol showed superior drug rele ase than formulations F1 and F2 which shows lesser drug rele ase. Stability studies showed that the physical app earance, rheological properties, and drug release remained u nchanged upon storage for three months at ambient c onditions. Hence it is established that gel formulations are s uperior topical formulation over any other topical formulations, because these system have better application proper ty in comparison to creams and ointments.

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