Formulation and in- vitro evaluation of taste masked orodispersible tablet of antipsychotic by using ion exchange resins

Research Article

Nilesh M. Ghuge, Amit Bhople,


Risperidone, a benzisoxazole derivative, is an atypical antipsychotic drug with high affinity for 5-hydrotryptamine (5-HT) and dopamine D2 receptors. But this drug has bitter taste which may leads to patient’s non compliance. Ion exchange resins are water–insoluble, cross–linked polymers containing salt forming groups in repeating positions on the polymer chain. It used to mask taste of bitter drug. In this study, Orodispersible tablet of Risperidone was developed. Taste masking of Risperidone were done by two Ion exchange resin Kyron T-104 & Indiaon-204 independently. Formulated Drug Resin Complex was characterized by infrared spectroscopy. lmax and calibration curve of drug were studied. Drug- resin complex were optimized by considering parameters such as optimization of resin concentration, swelling time, stirring time, pH and temperature on maximum drug loading. Taste evaluation done by taste panel method. Optimization of conditions required for maximum drug loading of Risperidone with Resins. Kyron T-134 Superdisintigrant used in formulation so disintegration & drug release in very less time. The In-Vitro drug release of optimized formulation compare with marketed tablet. Thus, results conclusively demonstrated successful masking of taste and rapid disintegration of the formulated tablets in the oral cavity.

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