Formulation and evaluation of mouth dissolving film of antipsychotic drug aripiprazole

Research Article

Mona Nagar, Mayank Nagar and V


The oral route is the most preferred route, though preoral administration of drug has disadvantage like hepatic first pass metabolism and enzymatic degradation within the GI tract however trans mucosal routes of drug delivery ( i.e. Mucosal lining of nasal, rectal, vaginal, ocular, & oral cavities) offer distinct advantage over preoral administration because mucosa are permeable and well supplied with vascular and lymphatic drainage. Their other advantages include bypass of first pass effects and avoidance of pre-systematic elimination within GI tract. The present investigation highlights the formulation and evaluation of matrix type mouth dissolving films of Aripiprazole, prepared by solvent evaporation technique using Hydroxy propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) - 3 cps. The formulated films were evaluated for their physiochemical parameters like mouth dissolving time, surface pH, thickness & weight of the films, PMA, PML, folding endurance, taste, drug content, stability and in vitro bioequivalence. In vitro release studies were also performed in solutions of different pH. The mouth dissolving film was found to be bioequivalent to the conventional solid dosage form of Aripiprazole.

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