Formulation and evaluation of domperidone embedded floating matrix tablets using various release retardants from natural and synthetic origin

Satyajit Panda, Krishna Pranee


The aim of the current investigation was to fabrica te domperidone floating matrix tablets by using var ious release retardants from natural and synthetic origin. Dompe ridone is a synthetic benzimidazole compound and we ak base in nature, acts as a dopamine D 2 receptor antagonist and used as pro-kinetic agent. Its short biological half-life (4- 7H), low bioavailability and rapid absorption chara cteristics in proximal part of GIT enable it as a s uitable candidate for floating matrix tablets. Floating mat rix tablets were prepared by direct compression met hod employing several hydrophilic swellable polymers li ke HPMC K100M, Carbopol-934P, Sodium alginate, Guar gum and Gellan gum in various combinations. NaHCO 3 and Citric acid were used as gas forming agents. P repared tablets were evaluated for parameters such as swell ing study, lag time, buoyancy time, in vitro dissol ution studies etc. A modified buoyancy lag time for tablets was d etermined in order to include the effect of bioadhe sion on initial buoyancy. Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy, Differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffrac tion studies were also carried out for the optimized batch F7. F rom this investigation, it was observed that for op timized batch F7 the buoyancy time was achieved up to 12 H and th e amount of drug release was around 96.25% within 1 2H. After linearization of the results obtained in the dissolution test, the best fit with higher correlat ion coefficients (r 2 ) was shown in zero order for optimized batch F7 and the mechanism was found to be non-Fickian or anomal ous diffusion according to Korsemeyer’s-Peppas equation .

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