Formula Feeding Predisposes Gut to NSAID-Induced Small Intestinal Injury

Schuck-Phan A *,Phan T ,Dawson


Objectives: Breast feeding protects infants from many diseases, including necrotizing enterocolitis, peptic ulceration and infectious diarrhea. Conversely, maternal separation stress and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s) can induce intestinal injury and bleeding. This study aimed to evaluate in suckling rats if maternal separation/formula feeding leads to increased intestinal sensitivity to indomethacin (indo)-induced intestinal injury and to look at potential mechanisms involved. Methods: Nine-day-old rats were dam-fed or separated/trained to formula-feed for 6 days prior to indo administration (5 mg/kg/day) or saline (control) for 3 days. Intestinal bleeding and injury were assessed by measuring luminal and Fecal Hemoglobin (Hob) and jejunal histology. Maturation of the intestine was assessed by measuring luminal bile acids, jejunal sucrase, serum corticosterone, and mRNA expression of ileal Apical Sodium-Dependent Bile Acid Transporter (ASBT). Results: At 17 days, formula-fed indo-treated pups had a 2-fold increase in luminal Hb compared to formula-fed control pups and had evidence of morphological injury to the small intestinal mucosa as observed at the light microscopic level, whereas indo had no effect on dam-fed littermates. In addition, formula-fed rats had significant increases in luminal bile acid, sucrase specific activity, serum corticosterone, and expression of ASBT mRNA compared to dam-fed rats. Conclusion: Maternal separation stress may cause early intestinal maturational changes induced by corticosteroid release, including increased epithelial exposure to bile acids. These maturational changes may have a sensitizing rather than protective effect against indo-induced injury in the new-born.

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