Research Article
Oleksandr Yunin, Yaroslav Shat
The article examines the features of the practice of foreign countries in organizing judicial settlement of administrative disputes and the current state of regulation of these issues in accordance with Ukrainian national legislation. The essence of the concept of the administrative dispute has been determined. The features of the legal regulation of the organization of judicial settlement of administrative disputes by analyzing the French, German, and Anglo-Saxon organizational forms of the functioning of administrative justice have been highlighted. The norms of the law that regulate the settlement of administrative disputes in Germany, France, England, and the current legislation of Ukraine have been analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis of the current legislation of foreign countries, the features of the organization of judicial settlement of administrative disputes in the respective states have been highlighted. The characteristic features inherent in the German and French organizational forms of administrative justice have been identified, and the features of the Anglo-Saxon model have been highlighted separately.