Original Research Article
Abayomrunkoje Gabriel
This study examined whether preferences for PowerPoint lectures versus white/chalkboard lectures were linked to learning styles as defined by the Learning Type Measure (LTM) of the 4MAT® system. Previous research has found mixed results regarding whether students preferred PowerPoint or white/chalkboard to deliver class lectures. An explanation of the mixed results has not been clear. Although acknowledging the growing research that there was no evidence from experimental research to justify the need to assess learning styles in classrooms, we still questioned whether student learning styles might offer an explanation to the contradictory findings regarding preferences between PowerPoint and white/chalkboard presentations. No previous studies were found to have examined this possibility. The results supported a general preference for PowerPoint lectures to white/chalkboard lectures, but indicated no significant differences in preferences for the two lecture delivery methods based on the four learning styles. Nevertheless, the participants’ ratings and comments yielded useful information about what aspects of PowerPoint lectures they liked and disliked