Football best shooting area and goal ration correlation research based on multivariate statistical model

Bo Gao and Jie Dong


With continuously development of human society science and technology, human race sports culture is also constantly improving. And football such a movement deep roots in history is also flourishing, which gradually drives national economic and culture as well as other fields moving forward. China as a large country of 1.3 billion population, its politics, economics, culture and society as well as other aspects get rapidly development since open and reform; China furthermore becomes a powerful sports country in sports field, and it has achieved excellent results of ranking gold medal standings first in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games, however China’s men football cannot recover after a setback since 1985.In order to fast improve China football technical level, this paper establishes best shooting area model, applying two dimensional normal distribution and geometrical analysis as well as other methods to define shooting position, and analyzes previous world cups goal data by mathematical statistics analysis, test model precise so as to define players’ best shooting area. Combine with these data, players can take targeted training.

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