Extended Abstract
Ozlem Tokusoglu
Food by-products in the food industry is characterized by a high ratio of product specific waste not only does this mean that the generation of this waste is unavoidable, but also that the level and the kind of by-product which consists primarily of the organic residue of processed raw materials, can scarcely be changed if the finished product quality is to remain consistent. Using and disposal of the merchandise specific waste is difficult due to its inadequate biological stability, potential pathogenic structure, high water content, potential auto oxidation tendency and high amount of enzymatic activity. In the food industry, the diverse types of by-products can be evaluated by various branches of industry due to the selected desired properties of food by-products. The pulps, dregs, and wasted in food processing depends on the quality of by-product management, while ensuring environmental protection and sustainability in by-production monitoring. Food by-products or food industry shelf-stable co-products such as liquid, pomace, or powder forms can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, meats, seafoods, milk and dairy, cereals, nuts, fats and oils processing; drying by-products and converting them into powder offers a way to preserve them as useful and valuable products