Focal and Dynamic Parameters of Strong Earthquakes on the Territory of Azerbaijan for the Period 2005-2015

Research Article

Yetirmishli QJ and Sabina E


The article presents a method for calculating the focal and dynamic parameters of strong earthquakes in Azerbaijan for the period of 2005-2015 based on broadband entries (BH) of modern digital stations and statistical analysis of the produced solutions. Analysis of compressed axis orientation showed NW-SE orientation in Zagatala region, NS in Sheki and then gradually changing in a clockwise direction to the NE-SW direction in the Caspian Sea. Stretching axis is mainly oriented NE-SW and NS directions, due to the area of immersion of Kura depression under the Greater Caucasus zone. On the basis of the averaged data for each station was organized spatial amplification factor distribution map for the territory of Azerbaijan. The total value of the factor varies within the range of 1,5-4,6. Maximum is observed in the Kura River valley area and Zagatala region, indicating that the layer of the earth's crust under the stations of these regions, strengthen the impact of transverse wave through the source-receiver.

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