Fluorescently-Labeled Estradiol Internalization and Membrane Trafficking in Live N-38 Neuronal Cells Visualized with Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy

Kassandra Kisler, Robert H


Estradiol is a steroid hormone that binds and activates estradiol receptors. Activation of these receptors is known to modulate neuronal physiology and provide neuroprotection, but it is not completely understood how estradiol mediates these actions on the nervous system. Activation of a sub-population of estradiol receptor-α (ERα), originally identified as a nuclear protein, localizes to the plasma membrane and appears to be a critical step in neuroprotection against brain injury and disease. Previously we showed that estradiol stimulates the rapid and transient trafficking of plasma membrane ERα in primary hypothalamic neurons, and internalization of membrane-impermeant estradiol (E6BSAFITC) into cortical neuron endosomes in vitro. These findings support the concept that estradiol activates and downregulates plasma membrane ERa by triggering endocytosis. Here, we use TIRFM (total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy) to image the trafficking of E6BSA-FITC, and GFP-labeled ERα, in live cells in real time. We show that activation of plasma membrane ERs by E6BSA-FITC result in internalization of the fluorescent ligand in live N-38 neurons, an immortalized hypothalamic cell line. Pretreatment with ER antagonist ICI 182,780 decreased the number of E6BSA-FITC labeled puncta observed. We also observed in live N-38 neurons that E6BSA-FITC co-localized with FM4-64 and LysoTracker fluorescent dyes that label endosomes and lysosomes. Our results provide further evidence that plasma membrane ERa activation results in endocytosis of the receptor.

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