First record and Disease Management of PinkRot in Cocos Palm Trees in Egypt

Research Article

Haggag Wafaa Mohamed, Abd El-S


A new fungal disease of cocos palm (Syagrusromanzoffiana) “fungal Pink Rot of Inflorescence" was found in 15May city, Cairo in Egypt in the summer of 2014. Symptoms included chlorotic and necrotic leaves (dead tips), light-brown spots (1 to 2 mm in diameter) on the leaves and rachis, rot of the rachis, sheath, and trunk, and eventual death of infected plants. A pinkish-orange layer formed both on the surface and within the infected tissues. Morphological, biochemical and Molecular studies of fungus revealed that it belongs to the species Nalanthamalavermoeseni. The recommended concentrations were application. Three applications with Copper oxychloride, Topsin, Bio-Cure-F were used. Copper oxychloride and Topsin were highly effect than Copperoxychloride and Bio-Cure-F against the fungal pink rot.

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