First Case of Cutis Laxa Type II (Debre Type) Associated with Atrial Septal Defect

Aamir J Al-Mosawi


Cutis laxa type II (MIM 219200) is an uncommon inherent issue, first depicted by Debre et al. in 1937. During the period from 1937 to 2008, there have been 34 (25 females and 9 guys) very much reported distributed instances of this uncommon issue. In 2009, I announced the thirty fifth instance of this issue and I additionally looked into the recently distributed and thirty four all around recorded cases. A dysmorphic young lady was alluded at four years old years (early April 2016) on account of skin variation from the norm and deferred discourse. The young lady had cutis laxa with repetitive free skin present from birth. This skin variation from the norm was obvious on the appendages and mid-region. Dysmorphic facial component included, wide and discouraged nasal scaffold, and the eyes were wide set with downslanting palpebral crevices. Assessment of the cardiovascular framework was ordinary aside from the nearness of a systolic mumble. Echocardiography uncovered the nearness of a little atrial septal defect.In this paper, I am announcing the 36th instance of Cutis laxa (Debre type) which is the principal case to be related with atrial septal imperfection.

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