Farming Science and Expertise Research to Support Food Safety

Gimmey Williams


Food security can be definite as access by all people at all times to harmless, nutritious and cheap food for active well and productive life. This means training and educating the society of the need for suitable food production, well postharvest system, readiness of money by households and individuals.  Challenges met to meet food security contains under nutrition and overconsumption, growing food prices, population growth, threat to farmed making, rapid diet shifts, inept production practices and climate change.   Food and Population The global population is now about 7.3 billion. The need to grow extra food four times of what the world harvests in the past 8,000 years. Children and youth do not know how farms look like any further, Farming science teachers have a lot of work to do in schools without land for farming practice. Farming science experts are searching for resolutions and teachers of Farming are seeking the new science to explain the students in order to overcome food refuge challenges.  The students want science and technology information to renovation Agriculture.  Statement of the Problem Farming engineers were able to solve many problems regarding farm power and technology in the last century, the starter and use of irrigation services as well as the loading and Dealing out of farming products. The tractors were familiarized, high-yielding variations of crops were adopted, and the use of structurhelp Doubled food production. If farmers implement these skills as done in the Past, will this result improved profitably and incomes

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