Extraction of natural dye from marigold flower (Tageteserectal.) and dyeing of fabric and yarns: A focus on colorimetric analysis and fastness properties

Research Article

Chandan Kumar Jha, Ratan Kumar


India has a very rich diversity and plantkingdom is certainly a treasure house of diverse natural products. One such product from nature is the dye. In this study, natural colorants mainly flavonoids and carotenoids present in the Marigold flower (TageteserectaL.) were extracted using Soxhlet extraction method and other conventional techniques under different operating conditions. Spectrophotometric method based on the Aluminium complex formation was used for the determination of total flavonoids concentration in the extracts of different solvents used. The dye potential of the colorants obtained from the marigold was evaluated by coloring pure cotton fabrics and the yarns of pure cotton and wool. Various metal salts were used as mordants to set extracted dye on the fabrics and yarns. Study about fastness tests of dyed clothes was undertaken. The color shade differences, L*, a*, b*, ΔE values and K/S values were estimated using CCM software (GretagMacbath 7000 A º spectrophotometer). The maximum strength of the dye was found in the Ethanol-Water mixture (70:30 v/v) as a solvent. The surface color of the dyed fabrics and yarns was not affected by washing. The different color shades were obtained for various mordants used. Most of the mordants showed higher K/S value due to their ability to form coordination complexes. Good light fastness, wash fastness and rubbing fastness were observed in case of fabrics mordanted with ferrous sulphate. The relative colour strength of the dye was found to be more in case of cotton clothes mordanted with ferrous sulphate. These findings reveal that Tageteserecta L. can serve as a potential source of natural colorant which can be used in textile industry for dyeing purpose.A GC-MS analysis was done to identify the compounds present in the dye extract.

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