Examining factors effective on desertion of rural family physician personnel in west of Hormozgan province in 2015

Fatemeh Salafzon, Shaghayegh V


Family physician plan is considered the main core for improving services quality and justice in healthcare system and reference system which was planned in 2005. Regarding this plan importance and utilizing the best people as health team and obtaining their satisfaction this study aims to examine their desertion reasons. The present study is descriptive analytical and of cross-sectional type which was conducted in 2015. The studied society included all rural family physician personnel in west of Hormozgan province who were selected in census form and were studied. The required data were collected through questionnaire and by utilizing descriptive statistics; they were analyzed using frequency distribution table by SPSS software. In this study, 27 persons, 27 men and 61 women completed the questionnaire. Among the studied people 8% have had as yet the prehistory of cutting off cooperation with family physician plan. The rate of tendency to desertion in future has been 54.5% that among its most important reasons are force shortage and working pressure, monitoring, high working hours, high working responsibility and inappropriate facilities of lodgment. Tendency to desertion among family physician plan personnel in west of Hormozgan province is high that supplying human force and providing life and welfare factors, suitable working hours and reduction of work volume will lead to personnel retention.

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