Examine the relationship between spiritual intelligence of employed mothers, teachers elementary with mental health of children aged 6-12 years in ILAM

Research Article

Syed Rahmatollah Mousavimoghad


Intelligence spiritual beliefs as the foundation for a major role in various fields especially in the promotion and protection of mental health. The research method according to the purpose descriptive is the correlation type. Population in this study mothers of elementary teacher city of ILAM and children (6 to 12 years) for them and a total of 100 teachers with children 6-12 years old, for example randomly-selected. In this study, the King Spiritual Intelligence tools (Rival et al) and child health (LANDGRAPH et al), the parents of 28 items was used. For data analysis descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and to test hypotheses of Pierson correlation, and multiple regression using the software SPSS version 22 was used. Results showed that mothers between spiritual intelligence and its components and mental health- social, physical and children 12-6 years ILAM there was a significant positive correlation. Also in order to predict physical health and psychosocial, children, mothers, according to spiritual intelligence and its components, the multiple linear regression method was used where the variables entered into the model the only variable expanded state of consciousness a significant proportion of the variance explained, the child's physical and psychosocial health. According to the results it can be said that spiritual intelligence mothers can child health have anticipated. Hence according to the training and upgrading of the components particularly the education of children in education is very important.

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