Examination of abrasive rate and weight loss of bi-metals and tri-metal in acidic environment

Okumakebe U. B, Erhinyoja E. N


Investigation of weight loss and corrosion rates of bimetals and tri-metal in acidic environment was considered in this research. Samples of bi-metals and tri-metal were taken from Jasmetals and Jasalloys (JasA1013, JasB2013, JasC3013, JasD4013, JasE5013, JasF6013 and JasG7013) for investigation. The JasA1013, JasB2013 and JasC3013 represented Al, Zn and Pb metals, while JasE5013, JasF6013 and JasG7013 represented Al-Zn, Al-Pb and Zn-Pb alloys It was aimed at evaluating the weightlessness and the corrosion rates of the alloys. The coupons were immersed in seven different beakers containing diluted H2SO4 for seven days. The corrosion rates were determined from the weight loss of the alloys after seven days. Results showed that the trimetal and Zn-Pb weight reduced drastically while the bimetals (Al-Zn and Al-Pb) resisted corrosion. The corrosion rate results were within the equivalent matrix rate (standard) established by Fontana in 1987.

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