Evaluation of nephroprotective activity of sirupeelai kudineer (Aerva lanata decoction) in rats

G. S. Lekha


The herbal drug Sirupeelai Kudineer , basically the decoction of whole plant- Aerva lanat a. Linn -the plant which is being commonly used in Siddha System of Medicine, i s evaluated for Nephroprotective activity in animal model. To evaluate the efficacy of Sirupeelai Kudineer in the management of Renal function Impairment. The Nephr oprotective activity of the drug in Gentamicin models was evalu ated in Wistar albino rats. The rats in prophylacti c group were treated with the decoction of Aerva lanata at the d ose of 270 mg (5.4 ml) and 500 mg (10.0 ml)/ kg. Th e Gentamicin models of rats treated with the drug at the dose of 500.0 mg/kg orally for 10 days showed significant reduction in the level of Blood urea (P < 0.02) and Serum Creati nine with the significance of (P < 0.05). Histopath ology also reveals the reduction in the degree of renal damage . These findings suggest that the drug possess Neph roprotective activity with minimal toxicity and could offer prom ising role in the management of renal damage caused by Nephrotoxins like Gentamicin.

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