Evaluation of health effects of pollutant PM10 on air of Isfahan City, Iran

Research Article

Sima Sabzalipour*, Somayeh Man


According to the results of researches, there is a close relationship between daily changes in concentrations of particulate matters in fresh air and death caused by cardiovascular diseases and early physiological reactions. The air pollution crisis in some cities of Iran such as Isfahan, the second megacity in Iran, has been a serious event during recent years. The specific geographical situation of Isfahan such as locating in a pit with aggregation of pollutant matters in air has changed this city to one of the most polluted cities in Iran in terms of air pollutants. Therefore, the health of Isfahan citizens is at risk. the purpose of this study is to estimate heart attacks and respiratory deaths attributed to pollutant PM10 in Isfahan, 2013. This paper comprises three stages. The concentration of pollutant PM10 was measured at the first stage using GRIMM devices in four research stations in 2013. Epidemiological indicators were estimated at second stage and Kolmogorov Smirnov Test was used to evaluate normal distribution of data though SPSS and EXCEL software (to illustrate charts) in third stage. the examination of monthly changes in concentration of particulate matters in air of Isfahan City, 2013 indicated that the most concentration was equal to 210/89 micrograms per cubic meter during December in Ahmad Abad station. On the other hand, the changes in quarterly mean of particulate matters of air in Isfahan, 2013 indicated that the most rate of concentration of matters has been in fall while it was more than standard level in Ahmad Abad station and the lowest concentration has been in winter. According to the other results, the number of heart attacks and respiratory deaths attributed to pollutant PM10 existed in air of Isfahan city under the central relative risk has been respectively equal to 598 and 115 members during 2013. The rate of attributing point for heart diseases has been equal to 7/5% in 2013 considering central relative risk. Considering the occurrence base equal to 497 members out per 1000 persons for cardiovascular mortality, the cumulative mortality rate of this event has been equal to 598 members. The more numbers of daily contacts with PM10 in concentration interval between 100 and 110 microgram/cubic meter and the largest number of cardiovascular mortalities (90 members) has been related to this concentration interval. Cumulative number of respiratory death caused by PM10 was estimated to 115 persons in 2013. 56% of this death was occurred in days with concentration lower than 120 microgram/cubic meter. With per 10 microgram/cubic meter increase in particulate maters, there will be 0/8% and 1/2% increase in heart (cardiac) death and respiratory deaths.

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