Research Article
Magdalena RÄÂ
Improvements in porcelain material have influenced the more frequent use of this material in tooth restoration. Researchers are constantly searching for the most efficient solution to bond restoration with dental hard tissues. The aim of this study was to examine the presence of interfacial hybrid layer gaps in the adhesive bond between the ceramic material and dental tissues immediately after cementation. Thirty human third molars were divided into three experimental groups. In each of the teeth, a cylinder-shaped Black’s Class 1 cavity was prepared. An IPS e.max inlay was made by lost wax casting. In order to bond the inlay with the tooth structures, three composite cements were used: Multilink Auto mix, Rely X Ultimate Clicker and selfetching, self-adhesive Rely X U200 Auto mix. After cementation, dental micro sections were taken in order to perform microscopic observations. The final stage of the study consisted of evaluation and measurements under 5x and 10x magnifications with a Nikon MA 200 light microscope. The outcome of this study indicates differences in the adhesion of the cement to both the dental hard tissue and ceramics. The finest bonding between cement and ceramic was obtained when Multilink Auto mix was used. Also, Rely X U200 Auto mix gave satisfactory results. The least acceptable adhesion of cement to ceramic occurred when Rely X Ultimate Clicker was used. Based on comparative studies, it may be concluded that self-adhesive cements indicate significantly lower bonding quality in comparison to cements with their own bonding systems. Despite more complex adhesive procedures, multistage bonding systems demonstrate better bonding.