Evaluation of anthelmintic activity of Ipomoea carnea Jacq leaf extract

Research Article

A. J. Dhembareand S. L. Kakad


In the present investigation leaf extract of Ipomoea carnea Jacq was subjected to evaluation of anthelmintic activity. The leaf extracts of Chloroform, ethanol, methanol, and petroleum ether were tested on earthworm Pheretima posthuma. The trend of anthelmintic activity was in order as chloroform > methanol > ethanol > petroleum ether. Among the screened different extracts, chloroform extract 25 mg/ml showed efficient anthelmintic activity with paralysis time (8.2 min) and death time (15.5 min). The chloroform extract showed highest anthelmintic activity than other extract, compared with Piperazine citrate. But all the extracts were less potent when compared with reference drug Piperazine citrate. The test of ‘t’ and ‘f’ were performed with in group and between the groups were significant at 0.05% level.

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