Estimation of Empaglifozin using Derivative spectrophotometry and Area under Curve in Bulk material and in In-house Tablet formulation.

Review Article

Sachin N. Badgujar, Amod S. Pa


Simple, Specific, rapid and accurate UV- spectrophotometric methods have been developed using methanol as solvent to determine Empaglifozin in bulk and in-house tablet formulation using derivative and Area Under Curve(AUC) techniques. “Method A” is Zero Order Derivative UV- spectrophotometry using absorbance, “Method B” is Zero Order Derivative UV- spectrophotometry using Area Under Curve (AUC) technique, ‘Method C’ is First Order derivative UV- spectrophotometry using amplitude, Method D is First Order Derivative UVspectrophotometry using AUC, technique. The established methods have shown best findings in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision and LOD and LOQ for bulk drug and in-house tablets. In all Methods, Empaglifozin followed linearity in the concentration range of 4 - 21 μg/mL with (r2> 0.999).

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