Enteric opportunistic parasitic infections in HIV/AIDS patients presenting with diarrhea

Research Article

A. Renukadevi, K. Venkateswarl


Enteric parasites are major cause of diarrhea in HIV patients. Incidence of enteric parasites in HIV patients presenting with diarrhea who attended ART center,KMC, KURNOOL were studied. The study was carried out from JAN 2014 to NOV 2014 at ART centre, KMC,KURNOOL among HIV patients presenting with diarrhea. Stool samples were collected and examined for enteric parasites by Microscopy and Special staining methods. Enteric parasites were found in about 37% and parasites involved are Cryptosporidium parvum (13%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (9%), Isospora belli (7%), Microsporidia(1%), Cyclospora (0.7%)[5]. Enteric parasitic infections were detected in 37% HIV patients presenting with diarrhea. Detection of aetiological pathogens not only help clinicians decide appropriate management, we can also reduce the incidence by educating HIV patients.

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