Review Article
Sakho I
An equation giving the Energy Dissipated by an aster accelerated in a Gravitational Field (EDGF) is presented. EDGF is applied in the present work to express the Schwarzschild radius and to calculate the total evaporation time of the Sun, of the nucleus of our Galaxy and of any star being collapsing gravitationally. Evaporation times of the planets of the Solar system is tabulated in a model where they are swallowed by the Sun collapsing gravitationally from its stage of red giant up to that of white dwarf. In addition, EDGF is used to estimate the scale of the Solar system (limit of the Solar system) which is an important criterion for the identification of a planet or a celestial object as belonging to the Solar system or not. In this work, the limit of the Solar system is estimated at about 160 AU. All our results are compared with available astronomical previsions.