Luehea candicans Increase In Vitro Cell Cancer Metabolism Even with High Polyphenols Content

Research Article

Marcos Bispo Pinheiro Camara*,


Brazil is the country with the greatest biodiversity; however, most of the plants are used empirically, without scientific evidence. Luehea candicans, popularly called as-açoita-cavalo, is a specie characteristic of the Brazilian Cerrado Biome, used for fight hemorrhages, dysenteries, diarrhea, rheumatism and tumors. On the other hands, there are practically no studies about chemical composition and assess of their biological effects. Thus, the aim of this investigation was characterize and evaluate the antitumor potential of crude hydroethanolic extract from the bare stem parts of this plant, as well as its ethyl acetate and methanolic fractions. For the characterization, the crude extract was submitted to qualitative (phytochemical screening and analysis by direct flow injection by mass spectrometry-FIA-ESI-IT-MS) and quantitative tests (determination of phenolic compounds and determination of total flavonoids and anthocyanins). In order to study the antitumor potential, MTT technique was used to evaluate the cellular metabolism of canine breast cancer tumor cells (TCM) and osteosarcoma (OST). The results demonstrated the presence of polyphenols, mainly flavonoids and tannins. In addition, were observed an increase in metabolism when TCM and OST cells were incubated with all extracts of L. candicans. Based on this, L. candicans in these tumor types should be careful use, and that in vivo studies should be performed to prove the true effects of this plant.

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