Gajender SINGH


The present investigation was carried out to study the elimination of pathogenic, chloroamphinicol resistant Aeromonas hydrophila (A. hydrophilaChr) by the use of single pro-biotics; Probiotic 1 (Lactobacillus sporogenes), Probiotic 2 (Saccharomyces boulardii) or mixture of probiotics; Probiotic 3 (Nitromonas spp., Rhodococcus spp., Bacilus megaterium, Lecheni formis, Desulphovibrio sulphuricum, Psuedomonas spp., Chromatium spp., Chloro-bium spp., Thiobacillus spp., Thioxidants spp., Thiobacilus ferroxidant, Methylomonas methyanica, Glucon acetobactor, Azospirillum spp., Trichoderma spp., Shizophyllum commune and Sclertium gluconicum); in vitro as well as in vivo. For this purpose probiotics 1, 2 and 3 were tested against the pathogenic Aeromonas hydrophilachr. In vitro experiment revealed that the zones of inhibition of probiotic 1 were highest than probiotic 3 followed by probiotic 2 with values of 19.67 ± 0.67, 19.33 ± 0.33 and 17.00 ±0.58 mm, respectively. In vivo experi-ment also showed that the elimination of pathogenic A. hydrophilachr from 1.54 x 1011 CFU/mL to 1.90 x 101, 2.30 x 101 and 5.33 x 101 CFU/mL lasted four weeks by probiotic 1, probiotic 3 and probiotic 2, respecticvely. In conclusion, the viable counts of pathogenic bacterium were the highest in the fish inoculated only with the pathogenic bacteria 6.07x1012 cells/mL in four weeks. Probiotic cultures used had significantly reduced the viable count of A. hydrophila in fish. The numbers of viable counts was the lowest in catfishes treated with probiotic 1 followed by probiotic 3 and probiotic 2 over a period of four weeks.

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