Effects of MNRI Visual Reflex Neuro-Training on Visual and tutorial Skills of kids with syndrome

Svetlana Masgutova1*, Denis Ma


The Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) Visual Reflex NeuroTraining (VRNT) program facilitates improvement in seeing, fixation, quality and saccades practicality in kids with syndrome Spectrum Disorder and supports their tutorial skills of reading, writing, and overall neurodevelopment. Objective: Our objective was to see the effectiveness of MNRI VRNT exercises on the attention following, ocular-vestibular and optokinetic visual reflex patterns (based on saccades) in kids diagnosed with syndrome (Study cluster, n=240). The analysis hypothesis was that coaching mistreatment these early visual sensory-motor patterns such as: visual modality and visual fixation, convergence/divergence, eye following, ocular-vestibular and optokinetic can improve seeing and process leading to a positive impact on tutorial skills notably reading and writing for kids with ASD. Study Design: A controlled trial setting and participants - 360 people diagnosed with ASD of moderate severity from seven to ten years ancient. kids attended the VRNT sessions at MNRI Family Conferences (Poland and USA). The study provided comparative analysis and correlation of leads to visual ability counting on specific visual reflex patterns.

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