Research Article
Afshari D and Afrabandpey A
Applying variable valve Actuation systems is one of the most effective ways to improve specific fuel consumption in an engine, which largely affect the pumping work. In this article determination of optimum valve timing angels, using approximation of discrete data and nonlinear regression analysis is investigated for a HD diesel engine to minimize SFC. In the first part of this study a model of compression ignition engine (OM457) in GT-SUITE software are applied for optimization. Then the indicated best angels for EVO, IVO, EVC and IVC were added to the model as lookup tables to shape the VVT system. Eventually, results indicated that using VVT angles the SFC parameter decreases more than 2% in average. Furthermore, to compare differences in emissions rate, the European stationary cycle (ESC) was applied and generated NOx pollutant was reduced 7.4%.