Effect of single and combinational herbal formulation in alloxan induced hyperglycemia

Research Article

Bhagyabhumi Patel, Jigar Patel


Diabetes mellitus can be defined as a group of metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The present work was aimed to evaluate the effect of single and combinational herbal formulation containing leaf extract of Leea indica and fruit & leaf extract of Lagerstroemia speciosa for antihyperglycemic activity. Leaves of Leea indica, leaves & fruits of Lagerstroemia speciosa were collected, authentified and extracted with 70% methanol and coded as LIE (Leea indica extract) LSE (Lagerstomia speciose extract). A formulation containing both the extract was coded as LLF (Leea indica& Lagerstomia speciose Formulation). Extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical study. Wistar rats were injected with Alloxan 120 mg/kg intraperitoneally for the induction of diabetes. After confirming the Diabetes induction, rats were randomly divided into six groups: Normal control, diabetic control, STD (standard injected with NPH insulin 1 unit s.c.), LIE treated (200 mg/kg, p.o.), LSE treated (200 mg/kg, p.o.) and LLF treated (300 mg/kg, p.o.) for 28 days. Various physical parameters (Body weight, Food intake, Fluid intake, urine output) and biochemical parameters such as Serum glucose, Creatinine, Urea and Protein levels were measured. Statistical analysis was carried out by ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test.Preliminary phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, carbohydrates, saponins and flavonoids in LIE & LSE. Rats treated with STD, LLE, LSE, LLF forbaded the decrease in body weight, showed significant (p<0.05) reduction in food & fluid intake, urine output, blood glucose, serum urea & creatinine levels and significant increase in serum protein level as compared to diabetic rats. Leea indica, Lagerstroemia speciosa plant extracts and herbal formulation containing Leea indica and Lagerstroemia speciosa (1:2) possesses anti-diabetic activity. These may be due to presence of triterpenoid especially corosolic acid in Lagerstroemia speciosa and triterpene acid especially ursolic acid in Leea indica.

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