Effect of Noise on Time-frequency Analysis of Vibrocardiographic Signals

Taebi A and Mansy HA


Recordings of biological signals such as vibrocardiography often contain contaminating noise. Noise sources may include respiratory, gastrointestinal, and muscles movement, or environmental noise. Depending on individual physiology and sensor location, the vibrocardiographic (VCG) signals may be obscured by these noises in the time-frequency plane, which may interfere with automated characterization of VCG. In this study, polynomial chirplet transform (PCT) and smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution (SPWVD) were used to estimate the instantaneous frequency (IF) of two simulated VCG signals. One simulated signal contained a time-varying IF while the other had a fixed IF. The error in estimating IF was then calculated for signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) from -10 to 10 dB. Analysis was repeated 100 times at each level of noise using randomized sets of white noise. Error analysis showed that the range of errors in estimating IF was wider when SNR decreased. Results also showed that PCT tended to outperform SPWVD at high SNR. For example, PCT was more accurate at SNR > 3 dB for a simulated VCG signal with constant frequency components, at SNR>-10 dB for a simulated VCG signal with time-varying frequency, and at SNR > 0 for an actual VCG.

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