Effect of ethanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa sinensis L., flowers on hair growth in female wistar rats

Research Article

Sukirti Misra Upadhyay, Prasha


Hibiscus rosasinensis flower is known as hair growth promoter in traditional and folklore medicines. Petroleum ether extract of H.rosasinensis is reported in literature for hair growth promotion. The study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of ethanolic extract of H.rosa sinensis flower as hair growth promoter. Female wistar rats were selected for hair growth promotion studies. They were divided in three groups and their skin was denuded with hair removing cream, electronic shavers and hair clippers for ensuring complete removal of hair. Then 2% solutions of vehicle (control), minoxidil (standard) and ethanolic extract of H.rosa sinensis flowers respectively were applied on shaved denuded skin of different groups of rats twice a day for thirty days. During this period they were observed visually for pattern of hair growth studies and after treatment period their skin biopiosis were taken for follicular density and cyclic phases of hair growth. On the basis of visual observation of animals and histopathology, ethanolic extract of H.rosasinensis flowers showed shorter hair and take more time for growth and favours telogenic stage of hair follicles as compared to control thus it showed hair growth retarding activity inspite of hair growth promoting one. Which is also of use in retarding body hair growth for beautification in females. This study proved that ethanolic extract of H.rosa sinensis flowesr may have potential as hair growth retarding agent so it may use in preparations for hair removing creams .

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